People & Culture


The population of Mewar is 5 million (2001 census) spread across the four districts of Rajasthan. Before the Aryan settlement, aboriginal tribes like Bhils, Minas, etc., wholly occupied the Mewar area. Eventually, the Aryans settled down here. Now different caste groups and tribal groups are found in this region. Even now untouchability is strictly observed among the high caste people. The Rajputs of Mewar and Marwar were always ready to stand up for the honour and freedom of their motherland. They not only wrote poems but also fought in the battlefield to prove that they could handle the sword just as they could handle the pen. Their poems did not always contain praise, but also contemptuous words.

Rajasthanis are predominantly agriculturists and businessmen. They also have cattle rearing – mainly camels and goats and artisans in marble and stone works.


A wonderful way to see Rajasthan is to visit its many places of worship. Hinduism, Islam and Jainism, each has a place in the life of the people. These religions have flourished and co-existed in complete harmony for centuries. Sikhs and Christians are also found in Rajasthan, but mostly they are not local Rajasthanis.


Most of the Mewari-speaking people groups have a kind of joint family system. They have a very strong social structure and rules. Also, they are socially highly interrelated with each other. The whole village takes part in all kinds of celebrations such as marriages, child birth, and also in situations where the family is in sorrow because of the death of a loved one.

Since ancient times, festivals are an inseparable part of Rajasthani culture. Most of the traditional fairs and festivals have interesting mythological origins that fuse the glorious past and the throbbing present. The Mewar festival of Udaipur in April is one of the major festivals of Rajasthan.


The literacy rate in Rajasthan increased considerably from 38.55% in 1991 to 61.03% in 2001. However, this rate is still lower than the national average of 65.38%.

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